With effective and sustainable horticulture in our minds,
We have been working side by side with growers since 2000.

Unicit Cu

Unicit Cu

Copper is an essential part of plant growth because of its role in lignin synthesis, photosynthesis, respiration and many other biological functions.

Unicit Cu is a liquid systemic fertilizer that contains organic chelated copper specially designed for complete absorption by foliage and efficient root uptake. Copper is a crucial trace element for plants that promotes health and growth. Several enzyme systems including lignin synthesis require copper to be activated. Some metabolic functions...

Product Details

Kiwi Program

Kiwi Program

This fertilizer program for growing kiwis has been field tested successfully. Please consult your local technicians before following this guide. It might not be suitable for every condition and location.

Program Details
Kiwi Program

Kiwi Program

Fruit Programs

Kiwi Program

Kiwi Program

Fruit Programs

Kiwi Program

Kiwi Program

Fruit Programs

Kiwi Program

Kiwi Program

Fruit Programs